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Eisenhower UFO Photographs

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President Dwight Eisenhower was a five-star general who is generally believed to have known the whole UFO story. He is also widely rumored to have been the President who lost control of the situation to semi-private interests not fully responsible to the government.
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The most famous Eisenhower UFO story involved the disappearance of the President while on a winter vacation in Palm Springs California in February 1954. As discovered and announced by the press following the President, Eisenhower suddenly was not where he was supposed to be. One news reporter even prepared to go to press that the President had died.

The above photo represents the moment when the President suddenly reappeared - at church the next morning. The White House put out the story that the President had chipped a tooth. White House records, and the recollection of the dentist's wife, however, failed to show that the President was attended to by a dentist.

The story that circulated following the disappearance, was that Ike had traveled to nearby Edward Air Force Base where he met with a group of live aliens who landed there to meet the President. The rumored story further goes on to say that it was following a display of alien  technology at this meeting, that Ike decided the population was not ready, and that the subject should be covered up.



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