Who are these beings visiting us?

Across the broad body of eyewitness accounts the same alien life form descriptions occur time after time

The most popular descriptions seem to be of the famous Little Greys. These entities (the official term for aliens by the way is Extraterestrial Biological Entities) comprise the following:

3ft to 4ft, child like

Pale grey almost white with occasional greenish or blue tint

Disproportionate to body, large and pear shaped with large cat like eyes most often inky black. Tiny expressionless mouth slit, very slight indications of nose or ears

Thin, arms longer than legs with four long fingers

Usually described as one piece tight fitting silvery suits with no visible buttons, zips etc.


Always described as telepathic and usually in perfect language of the eyewitness

Varies from friendly and compassionate to indifferent and even violent

There also appears to be a variety of beings that are described as angel like. Blonde haired, tall and light in skin colour they appear to be much more benevolent and willing to assist mankind in general. There is even from time to time a link made between the Little Greys and these heavenly entities that leads to the assumption that the Greys are in fact automotons used by the Blondes who are unable (as apparently so are we) to stand the immense pressures that their frequent interplanetary travel exerts on the physical being.

As amazing and unbelievable as this may at first seem we must not forget that similar angelic beings have been written into the myths and legends of at least 500 civilisations since the dawn of time including the Viricocha People legends of the ancient South Americans who, according to stone documents, came from nowhere in fantastic chariots of silver and with the assistance of dwarfs brought science, mathematics and civilisation to the peoples of the world after the great deluge that destroyed it many thousands of years ago. There are similar stories in Egyptology and some have even pointed to the Bible, interpreted by many as being full of such hidden stories.