A new groundbreaking theory - the truth at last?

I recently heard an interview between James Whale on Talk Radio UK and Larry Warren, co-writer of Left at East Gatewhich details Larry's experiences as a security guard at Bentwaters Air Force Base in 1980 (see the Rendelsham Forest reconstruction) In the interview Larry made one small comment about how the UFO he saw sent laser like beams into the ground and the next day he was told that the nuclear missiles laying beneath that beam were completely disarmed. This sparked a thought in me and I think, an interesting theory.

The next day I called Talk Radio UK and discussed the theory with James Whale live on air and received a round of applause at the end of it. Spurred on with that little bit of encouragement here is my short but interesting new theory (by the way I highly recommend "Left at East Gate" and hope to feature some its revelations in a future UFO.net at Area51 update).

In 1945 the war in the Pacific came to an abrupt end when the US detonated two enormous nuclear bombs over the Japanese towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The physical effects were instant and terrifyingly obvious. Devestation was widespread and resultant radiation would eventually effect the entire planet (even today steel rescued from pre-war ships sunk at sea is prized for its radiation free properties).

Bare that thought in mind for a moment whilst we explore a side issue. Today Quantum Physicists are just beginning to develop sound hypothesies that our universe - that is to say the one we can touch, see, smell etc. - may only be one of an infinite number, co-existing in the same space yet oblivious to each others activities. Now what if those universes CAN be linked? Either by the manipulation of super-science or a cataclysmic event - an event such as a nuclear explosion!

Let us assume that on top of the obvious physical damage that Hiroshima and Nagasaki endured, those nuclear explosions also caused untold damage across parallel universes or extra-dimensions immediately adjacent to ours. We were after all meddling with the very fabric of existance - the atom.

Of course the inhabitants of those dimensions would not have been particularly pleased with our endeavours and as they had been observing us for countless thousands of years by moving effortlessly between dimensions they felt the time had come to make their presence known.

A meeting was called for. The most powerful men in America - the most advanced military nation on Earth were summoned to a secret location thousands of miles from any potential witnesses in the Nevada Desert.

They came - they had no choice. These intruders had proven time and again that they could outrun and outsmart any attempt at capture and even though up until now they had shown no signs of hostility the risk was too great to ignore.

At the secret rendezvous instead of the threat that had been anticipated (as these beings had evolved way beyond malice and understood too well the ways of man) a simple and irresistable deal was brokered. In exchange for an immediate and unconditional halt to all nuclear weapons manufacture the inter-dimensional travellers would provide undreamed of technology and advances. The terms were acceptable and the most amazing agreement in history was sealed.

However within weeks something took place that changed the stakes - Roswell. Purely by coincidence early experiments with RADAR proved disasterous for the aliens craft and a fatal crash in the New Mexico desert provided a technological plunder for its captors that rendered the visitors offer worthless.

It must be remembered that WWII, which was only just over, had proven that munitions manufacture can be a very profitable business. A 'cold war' was being created that would ensure untold billions in weapons development for decades to come and key to this funding was atomic technology - it was just too good to be dropped. With the Roswell capture (and more to come) the powers that were could have their cake AND eat it. Of course the concerned inter-dimensional aliens had feared this may happen and with plan-a lieing in tatters a second plan was reluctantly put in to operation.

It is a documented fact that many UFO sightings have occurred over military bases, and now with the benefit of historical hindsight we can see that many of those bases were important nuclear storage silos or defence development sites (as in the Rendelsham Forest case - where at the time it wasnt even known to be so). These sightings were by no means coincidental. Systematically over the decades as missiles have been created and shipped from silo to silo, slowly and surely a visitation would occur and the weapons would be rendered disfunctional. It has been a slow, laborious task - a game of cat and mouse - but finally by the 1980s it had worked - the military powers conceded defeat and the public task of decommissioning already defunct nuclear weapons began.

Howeber victory was hollow. In pursuing the destruction of these weapons the visitors have had to give up something which they have guarded for eons, their anonimity. It has never been their wish to bring the peoples of their dimension into contact with ours - at least not yet. But in an emergency operation to save us from not only destroying ourselves (which undoubtedly would have happened) and other unseen civilisations it has been a price worth paying.

So there you have it. Far fetched? Maybe. But before consigning it to the bin marked 'X-Files failed episode plots', just give it some consideration. Perhaps, as they say truth can be stranger than fiction!  ©Adam Stone 1997