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Headlines for Aug/Sept 1997

Russians reveal captured saucer

US Military plays down UFO Phenomenon - again

Nasca Plains lines - proof of UFO landing strips?


Previous Headlines for 1997

Could new UK Government release vital UFO information?

Thousands witness mile long UFO in 60-mile trek across Arizona

UFO.net at Area51 wins prestigious awards & accolades

NASA announces strongest possibility yet of extraterrestrial life in our Solar System

...And then announces that it does'nt intend to do anything about it!

Who's Who of Aliens marks 50th anniversary of first flying saucer sighting

UFO.net at Area51 launches to favourable reception

©1997, Adam Stone & IQ Design, All rights reserved


Russians reveal captured saucer

A recent exhibition in Russia claims to be the first event in the world to actually show an authentic extra terrestrial space craft.

The object is said to be disc shaped, fifty feet in diameter and 15 feet deep, and made of an unknown metalic substance. Where the exhibitors obtained the craft from is not being made public but rumours abound that a cash stricken military may provide a clue.

More on this story in a future update.
















US Military plays down UFO phenomena

In an ongoing barage of anti-UFO press releases the US military have come out strongly in denial of extra-terrestrial visitations.

Hot on the heels of a report that claimed the famous Roswell incident to be nothing more than a misinterpreted military operation involving rubber dummies comes the news that most UFO sightings of the last half century have been manufacturered by the military.

The Pentagon goes on to say that clever use of lights and disguised planes had been employed to cover up top secret weapons testing. They did admit however that there were some unexplained sightings that they had no involvement with - leaving the door open for future announcements perhaps?













Nasca Plains lines - proof of UFO landing strips?

Ever since chartered planes flew across the Plains of Nasca in the early part of this century and Erik Von Danikken wrote the best selling Chariots of the Gods, the mysterious lines that form huge animal shapes and strange geometric patterns have been a source of wonder to the world.

Von Danikken claimed that the geometric shapes that seemed to stretch for miles in perfect straightness could only have been formed by superior beings and were possibly landing patterns of visiting space craft.

Now the latest evidence to come from this remote region of South America suggests that in fact the lines were created by a desperate people caught in the ravages of a forty year drought. It has been shown that the lines converge on sacred mountains or small hills that resemble those mountains where the Nascans believed rain came from. It is believed that they were painstakingly constructed to entice the gods to create rainfall and lead it to local farms and villages that would have been at the end of those lines if you were to scale them up accordingly.

The animal shapes were apparently also a ritualistic part of this desperate rain making attempt and would have been constructed for Shamen - a type of medicine man - to process along summoning the Gods to release rain from the heavens.










NASA announces strongest possibility yet of life in our Solar System

A recent report issued from NASA has created the biggest stir since the fossilised microbe containing Martian Meteorite was brought to the attention of the public recently by the same organisation.

The report highlighted the fact that the space probe Galileo had sent back incredible pictures and data from one of Jupiters moons Europa which strongly suggested that beneath its icy exterior exists an ocean with all the conditions
necessary to easily support life.

A spokesman commented that this was the clearest indication yet that the people of Earth may not be alone in the Solar System.


...And then announces that it does not intend to do anything about it!

Two weeks after crowing about "mind blowing pictures" of a possible life sustaining ocean on Europa, NASA officials decided Jupiter's icy moon wasnt worth the trip.

In what space experts called a strange decision, NASA on Wednesday passed over two proposals to send probes to Europa.

Two Europa missions were part of 34 proposals submitted to NASA for its Discovery Program, which is the agency's project to fund "lower-cost, highly focused scientific spacecraft." NASA on Wednesday chose five projects as finalists for funding.

Projects to study Mercury, Venus, solar wind, comets and Mars' moons were picked as finalists. NASA eventually will fund one or two of the proposals.

"It's kind of a strange decision," said American University astronomy professor Richard Berendzen, who two weeks ago appeared on "Nightline" with NASA officials to rave about the latest Europa photos taken by the Galileo space probe.

When the photos were revealed April 9, NASA astronomer Richard Terrile said, "These are really mind-blowing pictures. How often is an ocean discovered?" Berendzen said the photos meant Europa had the three main ingredients for life: water, hydrocarbons and energy.

But NASA spokesman Doug Isbell said the European proposals "Just didn't make the cut."

(extract from The Orlando Sentinel)


Who's Who of Aliens marks 50th anniversary of first
flying saucer sighting

As part of a conference organised by the Fortean Times to mark fifty years since the first official flying saucer sighting, a spotters guide to Aliens has been launched.

The Field Guide to Extraterrestrials is intended as a 'bible' for extraterrestrial visitation investigators and describes, coincidently, over fifty varieties of EBE' (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities).

Author Patrick Huyghe produced the work after gathering together over 1000 recorded sightings from around the world. He noted that although many of the aliens exhibited similarities toward popular ideas of the time (such as little green men in the 1950s), there was still an underlying core of certain sightings that didnt seem to fit this convenient pattern, such as the 'small grey'.

The guides aliens fit into four bands: Humanoid (two arms, legs, face etc.); Animalian (ape, bigfoot or troll like); Robotic (mechanical in composition or nature); Exotic (the more elaborate such as pulsating brains and floating blobs).

(adapted from the Daily Mail, April 19, 1997


UFO.net at Area51 launches to favourable reception

Well at least my wife thinks its good! Please let me know what you think - and where I can improve the site by filling in the Visitors Book (at the Meeting Room). And once again thank you for visiting UFO.net at Area 51. "May your heart be closed and your mind firmly open."


Thousands witness mile long UFO in 60-mile trek across Arizona

It was huge. So large that it blotted out the stars for more than a mile as it swooped silently over Arizona.

Thousands saw it and dozens videotaped it. After months of investigation, computer analysis and talks wit eye-witnesses, experts have been unable to come up with any earthly explanation for the sightings.

The V-shaped formation of red and white lights passed over several towns at a steady 30mph, covering a distance of 60 miles.

Witnesses - who included pilots, air traffic controllers, doctors and lawyers - said the object glided across the sky without sound, its height ranging from 500ft to several thousand feet.

The incident has captured the imagination of America like no UFO sighting in decades. It has revived memories of the Roswell incident of 50 years ago, when the supposed crash of a flying saucer in New Mexico was allegedly covered up by the authorities. Black and white film exists which purports to show autopsies on some of the aliens recovered at the scene. Peter Davenport, of the National UFO Reporting Centre in Seattle, said the Arizona incident was the most dramatic in his experience. 'What we have here is the real thing - they are here' he added.

The files of the UFO Centre record that the first sighting came from a retired police officer in Paulden, 60 miles north of Phoenix. He reported a cluster of red lights heading south.

The second call came from Prescott, 15 miles down the road. This time the report was of one red light and four white lights.

Within minutes the center's switchboard was jammed with calls from Wickenburg, Glendale, Phoenix and Scottsdale. Police stations, fire departments and city halls were overwhelmed by hundreds of calls in the space of around two hours on March 13.

Bill Grava, a pilot and air traffic controller for 12 years, was on tower duty as Sky Harbour Internatinal Airport. 'I have never seen anything like that,' he said. 'It was weird - inexplicable.'

Tim Ley, a 54-year-old management consultant, had just arrived home when he saw the lights. 'They looked like gas,' he said. "There was a distortion on the surface. The light didnt spill out or shine. I have never seen a light like that.'

Truck driver Bill Greiner, 51 said: 'Before this, if anyone told me they saw a UFO, I would say "Oh Yeah, and I believe in the tooth fairy". Now I've got a whole new view. I may be just a dumb truck driver, but I've seen something that don't belong here.'

Michael Tanner and Jim Dilettosa are partners in a firm which designs computerised effects. They ran computer analysis of video footage and compared the lights to every other light in the Phoenix area. Nothing matched.

The Luke Air Force Base between Phoenix and Glendale has been a target for hundreds of callers who assumed that the sighting was linked to the base. Officials denied it.

Lieutenant Colonel Mike Hauser said many callers became angry and accused the Air Force of a cover-up. There were F-16 fighter jets in the air that night and one of the last sightings of the UFO was near the base.

Mr Greiner said he saw three of the jets take off and veer towards the object. "Then it shot straight up and disappeared in the blink of an eye,' he said. "Those pilots had to see it."

If they did, the Air Force is not confirming it - adding to claims of a cover-up worthy of the X Files!

The Daily Mail, London, June 19, 1997


Could new UK Government release vital UFO information?

May 1997 saw the first new Labour Government in the United Kingdom for over twenty years and with it the possible release of top secret UFO files.

Although early days, Labour have pledged to introduce a Freedom of Information act similiar to that in the United States within the next couple of years.

Coupled with a basic bill of rights, which is also pledged, the general public of Britain should at last be able to request the release of thousands of previously hidden documents from the huge military and MI5 archives.


UFO.net at Area51 wins prestigious awards & accolades

It's still a mere baby having only been created in April of this year, but I am very pleased to report that already UFO.net at Area51 has won prestigious design awards and accolades:

Grapholina Design Award

Thanks to Grapholina the design goddess, for this award for outstanding design.

Seal of Approval from HYS

A heartfelt thankyou as well to Hey You Sir for this exclusive design award.

I am also indebted to Geocities for putting UFO.net at Area51 at the top of their A-list of new Home pages - and the hundreds of visitors that popped in to say hi as a result. http://www.Geocities.com

Hosted by Get your Free Home Page

Finally, I was over the moon to learn that UFO.net at Area51 has been featured as Home Page of The Month in the August 97 issue of Practical Internet Magazine, which went on sale nationally throughout the UK on July 3rd.

Practical Internet Practical Internet Magazine Cover http://www.Paragon.co.uk